
When you arrive at our clinic, our friendly receptionist will ask for some basic information like your name, address, phone number, and other details that help us keep your records in order. You'll receive a unique registration number in our computer system for future reference.

Waiting Area:

Now, take a seat in our waiting area. You'll be in line to see our optometrist for a preliminary check-up.

Initial Check-up:

When it's your turn, you'll meet with the optometrist. They'll ask about your eye history, past treatments, surgeries, family history, allergies, and medications. This helps us understand your eye health better. Depending on this information and your initial eye check, you may be asked to have your pupils dilated for a more detailed retina examination. Our staff will put eye drops in your eyes at intervals. You'll need to relax with your eyes closed for about 45 minutes while the drops take effect.

Doctor's Examination:

Once your pupils are properly dilated and it's your turn, you'll see the doctor. They'll have all the information from the optometrist. The doctor will perform a thorough eye examination, possibly using special instruments like slit microscopes and ophthalmoscopes. Depending on the results, you may be prescribed treatment, laser procedures, medications, or surgery. In some cases, the doctor might suggest additional tests before deciding on a treatment plan.

Follow-up and Billing:

Once your treatment plan is set, you'll return to the reception. They will schedule your follow-up visit or surgery and handle the billing. You'll receive a computerized receipt and a detailed summary of your case for your records.

Additional Tests:

If your treatment requires specialized tests, you'll be directed to the appropriate specialist.

Glasses Prescription:

If necessary, you'll go back to the optometrist for vision tests and to determine your glasses prescription.

We aim to make your visit as smooth and comfortable as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to ask our friendly staff. Your eye health is our priority!

Day of Surgery

Here is a brief information about the things to be care of on the day of surgery.

  • Arrival Time: You'll receive your surgery arrival time one day before the procedure.
  • Surgery Timing: Surgery begins once pre-operative formalities are completed, and you can usually go home about an hour after surgery.
  • Eating Before Surgery: Adults can eat normally before surgery, but pediatric patients will receive specific dietary instructions.
  • Post-Surgery Activities: After surgery, adults can resume their usual activities. You'll be given post-operative eye drops and instructions for home use.
  • Comfort After Surgery: Post-operative discomfort varies from person to person and eye to eye (if both eyes are operated on). We're here to help you manage any discomfort.
  • Contact Us: If you have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call the hospital or your doctor. We're ready to assist you promptly. Your well-being is our priority!

Post Operative Care

Here is a brief information about the things to be care of on the day of surgery.

  • Eye Protection:
    • Use an eye shield while sleeping.
    • You can wear dark glasses during the day.
    • Wash the eye shield and glasses daily with soap and water before use.
  • Face Cleaning:
    • Follow the doctor's/nurse's instructions for cleaning the operated eye.
    • For the rest of your face, use a clean, damp cloth, but avoid splashing water into the operated eye.
  • Cosmetics:
    • Avoid using eye cosmetics like mascara or eyeliner for at least 4 weeks.
  • Bathing & Shaving:
    • You can bathe and shave as usual, but skip head baths for a few days.
    • Be careful not to splash water into your eyes while shaving.
  • Activities:
    • Regular daily activities are fine right after surgery.
    • Avoid strenuous activities like jogging, swimming, and outdoor sports for 4-6 weeks, depending on your doctor's advice.
  • Driving:
    • Wait for explicit permission from your doctor before driving again.
  • Office Work:
    • You can typically return to the office within 4-6 weeks, as advised by your doctor.
  • Symptoms After Surgery:
    • Expect some redness, watering, foreign body sensation, and glare after surgery.
    • These symptoms usually improve and disappear within 4-6 weeks.
  • Eye Cleaning:
    • Clean the operated eye at least twice a day.
    • Use clean hands, disposable tissues, or cotton soaked in cooled boiled water.
  • Eye Drops:
    • Wash your hands before applying eye drops.
    • Carefully open the eyedropper bottle without touching the tip.
    • Put a drop between your eyeball and lid.
    • Wipe away excess medicine.
    • Keep your eyes closed for at least 5 minutes.
  • Eye Ointment:
    • Wash your hands.
    • Apply a small amount of ointment between the eyeball and lid.
    • Let your eyelid close to break the thread of ointment.
  • Medication Tips:
    • Always use drops before ointment.
    • Leave at least a 5-minute gap between different medications.
    • Keep your eye closed for 5 minutes after applying.
  • General Instructions:
    • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
    • Don't lift heavy weights.
    • Protect your eye from physical harm with the eye shield.
    • Limit visitors to reduce infection risk.
    • Avoid outdoor games and straining during bathroom trips.
    • If needed, use a laxative.
    • Avoid smoking and alcohol during recovery.

General Information

This section will help you in understanding some of the terminology your Doctor uses at the time of the examination of your eye. It also details the various tests and surgeries done on eye depending on the symptoms.

Common Complaints:

  • Loss of Vision and Blurred Vision
  • Double Vision
  • Redness of the Eye
  • Stickiness of the Eye
  • Watering of the Eye
  • White Reflex in the Eye
  • Abnormal Looking Eye
  • Dropping Eye Lid
  • Squinting of the Eye

Eye Terminology:

Vision Testing:
  • Measures vision using letters (e.g., 6/6).
  • Determines eyeglass prescription.
Amsler Grid Testing:
  • Checks central retina for issues.
  • Enlarges pupils for back-of-eye exams.
Slit Lamp Examination:
  • Uses microscope for detailed eye checks.
Applanation Tonometry:
  • Measures eye pressure for glaucoma.
  • Examines back of the eye (requires dilation).

Special Tests for Specific Conditions:

  • Optic Disc Photography
  • Contrast Sensitivity Testing
  • Color Vision Testing
Retinal Diseases and Uveitis
  • Fundus Photography
  • Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
  • Low Vision Aid Testing

Common Eye Complaints:

Loss of Vision and Blurred Vision:
  • Vision can vary in clarity.
  • Test each eye separately with reading material.
Double Vision:
  • Results from issues with eye muscles or nerves.
  • Can be an early sign of cataracts.
Redness of the Eye:
  • Can signal various eye conditions.
  • Don't assume it's just conjunctivitis; seek medical advice.
Stickiness of the Eye:
  • Common with eye infections.
  • Persistent stickiness needs prompt evaluation.
Watering of the Eye:
  • Can occur due to eyelid or tear duct problems.
  • Newborns with tearing may need attention.
White Reflex in the Eye:
  • Abnormal white reflex can indicate eye issues.
  • Especially important in children; don't ignore.
Abnormal Looking Eye:
  • Changes in eye appearance may relate to eyelids or eye size.
  • Document with photographs for comparison.
Drooping Eye Lid:
  • Can be present from birth or develop later.
  • Observe frequency and timing for diagnosis.
Squinting of the Eye:
  • Indicates eye misalignment, especially in children.
  • Use flash photos to help diagnose.